Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Got Braces

So I got Braces! (yes I know I look like a dork!) They were put on my teeth May 26th 2011 and I am expected to have them on for 20 months! Clear on the top metal on the bottom. After years and years with crooked teeth I finally took the plunge. With turning 30 years old, there were a number of aging elements going on; from hitting a wall with my weight gain to crows feet and a significant streak of grey hair... I thought, it was time to take control of something that would improve my looks and self esteem. And my teeth became something that never really bothered me until now.. Well that's not completely true, they would bother me on and off, but for the most part I love imperfections on people's faces and in their mouth. I actually love the look of crooked teeth, braces, and facial scars.

I had always needed braces for crooked teeth, a gap, and cross bite ever since I was a child. But my parents could barely afford to feed us (well my mother) so getting the care I needed was out of the question. It has actually been very liberating to take charge of my life and making this decision, to do what for myself what my parents could not. They are taking a huge bite out of my savings but I was ready.

What I was not ready for was the pain! I consider myself to be a tough cookie, but I didn't think having braces would be this bad. They feel like metal boulders on my teeth, it was so scary to eat anything (which by the way I can't). It actually hurt to eat scrambled eggs, and at one point I was feeling ill and week due to a liquid soup diet.. Hey, maybe I'll conquer that weight issue after all?

But we are still early on in the game and I can only expect things to get better. All of my friends and family have been very supportive and playful. I think I can even notice some slight changing in my teeth even now... Here's to a very long 20 months and looking forward to a straight smile.

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